Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Message to Opalina


Hey, so glad to hear from you. Was concerned about where you were/what might have been on your mind about involvement in the project.

I am getting so attached to you being CURANDERA.therapist, and I cannot imagine anyone else (nor do i want to) for that role.

More things to share/alot is evolving, growing, in such beautiful organic ways.

My friend & fellow artist-of-good-flow, Richard Rangel, came over to read/audition for me. He spent 3 hours (!!) at my house today, and I learned so much more about what should happen in the play becuz of his ideas and energy.

And then, less than an hour later, Dominique came over (she, like you, wasn't able to be here on Monday) for like 2 hours (!!)--good one-on-one time.

Guess what? Dominique is going to play some of her original music (guitar) while you are doing the pivotal "limpia healing" session with MAMA. It's really beautiful music, and you/CURANDERA will be chanting some brief soothing words. This is one of the new exciting developments.

So, while everyone around me is making the city thunder with exploding light and color, I am content in my home with magical people and beautiful ideas.

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